Messaging for Heroes - KARE Messaging for Heroes - KARE

Messaging for Heroes

Messaging KARE or Communities is simple on the KARE Heroes app! This guide will take you through the need-to-knows about messaging.


Locating messages

When logged into KARE Heroes, tap the mail icon in the top right corner of the screen to access messages.


[insert screenshot of location]


Messaging communities

On the first messages screen, you can see all existing communication between you and communities on KARE. Tapping on the specific message will display which person is messaging you from the respective community.


[insert screenshot of both pages]


At the top right hand corner of the screen, you can find a question mark. Tapping this logo will redirect you to the HERO FAQ’s on KARE’s website. You can access that link here.


Messaging KARE


If you have questions or need support, you can easily message KARE through the Heroes mobile application.

  1. Tap the mail icon in the top right corner
  2. Tap “Contact Us” in the top right corner
  3. Start messaging KARE!


[insert gif]


ℹ️ Tapping the ? icon in the top right corner will display contact hours and phone numbers for KARE support along with a link to the HERO FAQ page on our website.

[Insert screenshot or gif of ? icon and hours of operation]

Hours of operation for KARE support


KARE support teams are available through from the following times:

  • Messaging – 5 AM – 11 PM Central Time
  • Calls – 8 AM – 8 PM Central Time


Responses during weekdays may take anywhere up to 24 hours, while weekends may take up to 48.